cm fast heavy kg light short slow strong tall weak 填词..会的教我 我拜你为师的..1.There are lots of desks tu clean but don“t worry.We can clean them in five minutes.We”re————.2.Well,I“m————.I"m only 120._______tall.I can”t clean the walls.I“m———,too.I can”t carry water.I"m————.I“m52————.I”m not fast.I“m————.I can”t clean the desks.


cm fast heavy kg light short slow strong tall weak 填词..会的教我 我拜你为师的..
1.There are lots of desks tu clean but don“t worry.We can clean them in five minutes.We”re————.
2.Well,I“m————.I"m only 120._______tall.I can”t clean the walls.I“m———,too.I can”t carry water.I"m————.I“m52————.I”m not fast.I“m————.I can”t clean the desks.
2.short cm light heavy kg slow