请以my favorite movie 为题目写一篇60词的作文包含以下内容:电影名简要介绍喜欢这部电影的原因我想要原创的,不想要复制的.并注明你是谁发在这也可以啊


请以my favorite movie 为题目写一篇60词的作文

my favourite movie l
my favourite movie is THREE IDIOT. it is an Indian movie, the story is about three boys' life in unniversity ,and the struggling between their dream and the stern reality. they are in a key university,and study hard for theri future. one of them is different, his thought is not limited by the traditional fetter.he does think success is just getting diploma .his two friends are different completely, they have a heavy pressure in theri life.they want to make their life better through their hard.because they do not have a well family. he tells them "stuty is for perfacting your life not for enjoying your life" because of different thoughts they used have contradictions ,they overcome a lot pronlems together. they become the friends which can not be placed, even life. after ten years they graduated, thay have a meeting ,at that time all of them live as their dreams. they do not yield to the reality.
i think it is a good monie because my puzzle is solved by this movie. i know the prupose for studing.
they are idiots ,but they are happy idiots. the success is not depend on how much money you make, not depend on what an achievement you get, and not depend what a big house you have. it depend on whether you are real happy, do sth what you really want .