Mary said to her sister ,"Where are we going?"的间接引语The teather asked Sam ,“Will you be free tomorrow?"One of my classmates asked me ,"Can Iborrow your dictionary now?"My brother siad to Nancy ,"Will Peter come to my party?"The nurse asked me,"What's wrong with you?"My friend siad to me ,"what should I do?"以上的变间接引语


Mary said to her sister ,"Where are we going?"的间接引语
The teather asked Sam ,“Will you be free tomorrow?"One of my classmates asked me ,"Can Iborrow your dictionary now?"My brother siad to Nancy ,"Will Peter come to my party?"The nurse asked me,"What's wrong with you?"My friend siad to me ,"what should I do?"以上的变间接引语

1.Mary asked her sister where they were going.
2.The teacher asked Sam if /whether he would be free the next day.
3.One of my classmates asked me if he /she could borrow my dictionary the,.
4.My brother asked Nancy if Peter would come to his party.
5.The nurse asked me what was wrong with me.
6.My friend asked me what he shoud do.

Mary asked her sister where they were going
The teather asked Sam if he would be free the next day
One of my classmates asked me if I could borrow her dictionzry then
My brother asked Nancy If Peter came to my party
The nurse asked meWhat' was wrong with me
My friend asked me what she should do

Mary asked her sister where they were going.
The teather asked Sam if he would be free the next day.
One of my classmates asked me if I could borrow him dictionary then.
My brother asked Nancy if Peter would come to his party.
The nurse asked me what was wrong with me.
My friend asked me what he should do.