连词组句:classroom,ourto,office,next,to,teachers',is,the of,your,please,take,dog,care,little


连词组句:classroom,ourto,office,next,to,teachers',is,the of,your,please,take,dog,care,little

The classroom is next to our teacher’s office.
Please take care of your little dog.
our teacher’s office与classroom可互换

The teachers' office is next to our classroom. Please take care of your little dog.
这么连的前提是你的"ourto"中少打一个逗号 不然连不起来的
第一句中"is next to"前后的两个部分可以互换 不过我觉得这个顺序比较合理

our classroom is next to the teachers officeplease take care of your little dog(祈使句)when does the concert start?what will tack do this weedend?按照那个问题翻译的