英语翻译为大家提供一下该句的上下文:George W.Bush has famously described his leadship role as “the decider”.But deciding how to decide is as important as making the final decision.What should be the composition of the group the leader turns to?What is the context of the decision?How will imformation be communicated and how much control does the leader maintain over the decision?


George W.Bush has famously described his leadship role as “the decider”.But deciding how to decide is as important as making the final decision.What should be the composition of the group the leader turns to?What is the context of the decision?How will imformation be communicated and how much control does the leader maintain over the decision?

the leader turns to 做the group 的后置定语吧.意思类似于think tank智囊团.turn to 求助.问题问:领导智囊团的构成?——个人认为.