A:Hello.B:___.May I speak to Bill?A:___.B:Hello,Bill.Would you __to see the film the Lion King?A:Yes,I'd__ to.But__and__shall we meet together?[2]A;Hello.Can Ispeak to Eddy?B;——A:Hello,Eddy.How__are you?B;I'm_,thank you.And you?A;I;m OK.__,B;__we have a picnic outside thisSunday/A;All__.Must I bring some food/B;NO,you__.Ican make all the food.[3]A:shenzhen International.CanI__you?B:Good morning.I want to talk to Dr Wang.A:I'm__.MrWang is __here.Can I


A:Hello.B:___.May I speak to Bill?A:___.B:Hello,Bill.Would you __to see the film the Lion King?
A:Yes,I'd__ to.But__and__shall we meet together?
A;Hello.Can Ispeak to Eddy?
A:Hello,Eddy.How__are you?
B;I'm_,thank you.And you?
A;I;m OK.__,
B;__we have a picnic outside thisSunday/
A;All__.Must I bring some food/
B;NO,you__.Ican make all the food.
A:shenzhen International.CanI__you?
B:Good morning.I want to talk to Dr Wang.
A:I'm__.MrWang is __here.Can I take a message__you?
B:No,thank you.I will__him later.__the way,__will he com back?