


We do everything would make a plan, construction project is no exception. Construction schedule is the center of the construction organization design, it will guarantee construction projects within the time limit prescribed by the contract. In the construction of the other work must be around and adapt to the requirements of construction schedule.

We will work out a plan before doing anything, of which construction project is not an exception. Work progress scheduling is the key component of designing a constrution team, which must ensure the accomplishment of the construction project before the due date of the contract. All the other work in the construction project should be arranged and adjusted according to the work progress schedule.

We will do anything in advance to be a plan,construction is no exception.Construction schedule plan is central to the construction organization design,it is to ensure that construction works under the contract delivery period.Construction and other work must be centered on the construction schedule to adapt to the requirements of the arrangements.Combined with the actual situation and characteristics of this project,with clear division of labor,coordinated deployment of construction,construction personnel to dynamic management.The project task team with the appropriate professional management personnel,technicians and mechanical equipment,and work need to be established in accordance with the construction team and reasonable arrangements for parallel and cross-flow operation.
Each sub-project and process 100% pass rate,good rate of 80%,a qualified acceptance,to ensure the quality of the project to achieve compliance.Firmly establish the "quality first for efficiency,users first create credibility" business philosophy,correctly handle the "quality,duration,cost,safety," the four relations.Adhere to the "five steps in place," the quality control standards,eliminate rework the phenomenon to the quality of work product quality assurance.Five steps in place:first,in sub-construction,management of operating points to achieve classification of components in place; second,the upper and lower transition process in place;

We have to make a plan before we do everything, construction is no exception. Construction schedule plan is the central to the construction organization design, it is to ensure that construction works under the contract delivery period. Other work in the Construction must be centered on the construction schedule to adapt to the requirements of the arrangements.