What are the advantag of learing English?以此为题写一篇不少于150字的英文作文


What are the advantag of learing English?

150 words can do nothing. However, please let me try it.
The uttermost advantage of learning English is to be able to use another language, a lingua franca which is understood by two-fifths of the world population. Therefore, if I can think, speak, write, hear, read, and dream English, without any help from Chinese, I would be able to enjoy the following mini-advantages:
1. I can make many friends in English, because "English well done, friends we all won." My friends, when they speak and write only English to me, will open a new door which cannot be opened by Chinese, since the two languages belong to two greatly different cultures. By entering a new door, I will build friendship and learn new knowledge.
2. A second mini-advantage of learning English is that I can say what I want to say, and write what I want to write in English, when my English is good enough to express what I cannot express in Chinese. I fully understand that translation is only approximation, but never identification, because "Traduttore, traditore". Some wonderful expressions can never be translated into another language.
In a nutshell, learning English can help me to build newer and wider friendship, widen and deepen my knowledge of the world and humans, and say what I want to say or write what I want to write. Isn't that wonderful!