he killed his enemy and fled the country 在这个句子中,the country做什...he killed his enemy and fled the country 在这个句子中,the country做什么成分?其中fled是不及物动词了.不及物动词后边的the country在句子中做什么成分?看好才回答,别款回答!


he killed his enemy and fled the country 在这个句子中,the country做什...
he killed his enemy and fled the country 在这个句子中,the country做什么成分?其中fled是不及物动词了.
不及物动词后边的the country在句子中做什么成分?看好才回答,别款回答!


及物动词 vt.
He was lucky to flee the burning hotel.
所以,the country 作flee的宾语了

句中flee 是及物动词,逃离.当flee作不及物动词时,逃跑.后接from如During the war,thousands of people fled their countryThe customers fled from the band when the alarm sounded.所以the country做fled 的宾语...

flee fled 有可数的意思:“逃离”
the country 为宾语