请问be concerned about 是担心的意思,如 i am concerned about his health. 关心用英语如何说?如: 我很关心他? 用英语如何说?


请问be concerned about 是担心的意思,如 i am concerned about his health. 关心用英语如何说?
如: 我很关心他? 用英语如何说?

care 关心 留意 担忧 惦念 照料
Don't you care about this country's future? 难道你不关心国家前途吗?
All she cares about is her social life. 她关心的只是她的社交活动。
I don't think she cares (about) what happens to her children. 我认为她并不关心她孩子的事。
I might as well be dead for all he cares. 我即使死了他也毫不关心。
Don't you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗?
I don't care (about) what happens to him. 我才不管他的事呢。

I care about his health.
Do I care quite about him?我很关心他?

I am concerned about him.

这个就是“关心, 挂念”的意思

I am concerned about him.

be worried about 担心.


Take care of 或者直接 care for.
I care for his health.= I am quite concerned about him/his health.
I have/pay/show great regard for his health.