请帮忙翻译:On top of this, the UKis viewed as stricter in its handling of visasOn top of this, the UKis viewed as stricter in its handling of visas compared with the rest of Europe,fed by urban legends of rejected applications.尤其是fed by urban legends of rejected applications怎么翻译,在句中作什么成分?谢谢是the Uk is


请帮忙翻译:On top of this, the UKis viewed as stricter in its handling of visas
On top of this, the UKis viewed as stricter in its handling of visas compared with the rest of Europe,fed by urban legends of rejected applications.尤其是fed by urban legends of rejected applications怎么翻译,在句中作什么成分?谢谢
是the Uk is

与欧洲的其他国家相比,英国被认为是最难发放签证的国家,因此坊间流传着许多被拒签的故事。urban legend指的是广泛流传在民间的传闻。至于它在句子中作什么成分,我句法也不好,我想应该是做补充说明的。

尤其 是美联储的都市传说的拒绝申请
