求一篇英语的 daily talk 重赏 找一篇 关于TV program 的短文 字数也尽量少一点 最主要是要文章与TV program 密切相关 不过也可以是在演播室发生的事 或者 是其他种类的电视节目 请受晚生一拜~


求一篇英语的 daily talk 重赏
找一篇 关于TV program 的短文 字数也尽量少一点 最主要是要文章与TV program 密切相关 不过也可以是在演播室发生的事 或者 是其他种类的电视节目 请受晚生一拜~

TV program

Do you ofen watch TV?How do you think the program"approach to science"played by cctv-10.
this promgram is rather good that not only it has given us lots of knowledge but also make us think about the nature,the outer space and so on!
otherwise,it's told very carefully ,logically,truthfully,so i think we all should learn more fome it!

Television provides us with a wide range
of information and entertainment. However,
it's a pity that it may also have a bad influ-
ence on young minds. For instance, some TV
shows have too much violence and crime.
These programs may lead youngsters astray.
It is easy for students to become addicted to
the excitement of these programs and
neglect their homework. Parents must, there-
fore, keep an eye on what their children

鍝堝搱!骞宠韩鍚?You probably have a favorite television show.Maybe you have more than one favorite TV show.Did you ever wonder where your favorite shows come from?Did you ever wonder how they get to t...