连词前面的逗号问题 while so that①She is a girl,while I am a boy.②She is a girl while I am a boy.并列连词 while前面可以不加逗号么?还有比如:① people have to spend a great number of time and energy on acquiring advanced skills and knowledge,so that they could retain a competitive edge in job market.② people have to spend a great number of time and energy on acquiring advanced skills and knowledge so that they could retain a competitive edge in job market.so that前面逗号可以省略么?


连词前面的逗号问题 while so that
①She is a girl,while I am a boy.②She is a girl while I am a boy.并列连词 while前面可以不加逗号么?还有比如:① people have to spend a great number of time and energy on acquiring advanced skills and knowledge,so that they could retain a competitive edge in job market.② people have to spend a great number of time and energy on acquiring advanced skills and knowledge so that they could retain a competitive edge in job market.so that前面逗号可以省略么?

首先说while,在当连词使用时,如果表示两件事同时发生时,while前不加逗号;表示某一件事是在另一件发生过程中的发生的,while前面也不加逗号;表示但是、然而,while前要加逗号,如这里的she is a girl,while I am a boy写法正确.
再来说so that,以便、以致于,就我所知道的句子,so that前一般不加逗号,除非后面所接句子的主语不是人,Stand the table on its legs,so that the top is horizontal.把这桌子立起来,使桌面成水平状.