求与time有关的短语比如all the time in time等等要注明含义


比如all the time in time等等

on time

on time按时

against time 争分夺秒的 ahead of time提前 all the time 一直 as time goes on随时间推移 at all times 无论如何 at a time一次,每次 at one time曾经,一度 at any time随时 at n...

ahead of time 提早,提前
all the time 连续的,一直的
at times/from time to time 有时候
at all time 多少次,屡次
at the time 一直,总是
at one time 以前,从前
at a time 一次
in no time 立刻,马上
at no time 决不,从不