1.Someone called Fred is going to call you,aren't you?反义疑问句,为什么后面用aren't you?2.A:Shall me sing Karaoke at the party?B:XXX.a) Yes,I'd love to.b)All right.I'll do that.c) Yes,that's a good idea d)Thank you,the same to you.为什么该题选择c),而不选择a)?Sorry,第2个提问的题干是 Shall we 而不是Shall me


1.Someone called Fred is going to call you,aren't you?
反义疑问句,为什么后面用aren't you?
2.A:Shall me sing Karaoke at the party?
a) Yes,I'd love to.b)All right.I'll do that.
c) Yes,that's a good idea d)Thank you,the same to you.
Sorry,第2个提问的题干是 Shall we 而不是Shall me

1.因为原句意思是:有人让Fred打电话给你,你打了么?所以主句是问“你”,要用aren't you,与原句相反。
2.如果问Would you like to do,则回答Yes, I'd like
而此处问Shall me...?表示你想唱,则回答那是个好主意。

"Shall we", thw question is WE, so you can't use A: "I" would love to,

1.因为原句意思是:有人让Fred打电话给你,你打了么?所以主句是问“你”,要用aren't you,与原句相反.
2.如果问Would you like to do,则回答Yes,I'd like/love to.我乐意.
而此处问Shall me...表示你想唱,则回答那是个好主意.
