求解dislike doing sth1.He dislike __[be] a doctor when he grow updislike doing sth表示不喜欢做某事(已经做过) dislike to do sth 表示不喜欢做某事(还未做过)这里应该用?2.Can i come to the bookshop ____[look] at your books?为什么用 to look?3.谁教你们英语?那个穿红色短裙的高个子女士.后面一句应该是 That tall woman in a red skirt.这条老师讲过 但忘了为什么用in 不用with?跟高个子女士有关是不..


求解dislike doing sth
1.He dislike __[be] a doctor when he grow up
dislike doing sth表示不喜欢做某事(已经做过)
dislike to do sth 表示不喜欢做某事(还未做过)
2.Can i come to the bookshop ____[look] at your books?
为什么用 to look?
后面一句应该是 That tall woman in a red skirt.
这条老师讲过 但忘了
为什么用in 不用with?