英语与数学相结合,关于hockeyIn hockey,a plus(+)is awared every time you are on the ice for a goal your team scores and a minus(-)is given when you are on the ice when the other team scores.for eight straight games Cassie has been on the ice when the opponents scored two goals.what is her plus/minus(+/-)score?


In hockey,a plus(+)is awared every time you are on the ice for a goal your team scores and a minus(-)is given when you are on the ice when the other team scores.for eight straight games Cassie has been on the ice when the opponents scored two goals.what is her plus/minus(+/-)score?


plus score:five minus score:3

  冰球赛中,你的球队射中得分,你每次都在冰球场上,这种情况被认为是plus (+);你在球场的时候,这时对方射中,你就被给予minus (-).在八次直接得分中,卡西一直都在冰场上,这期间对手曾射中两球,那么她的pl...