英语被动语态练习1.世界上许多国家都讲英文.   English_____ _____ in many countries all over the world.   2.你知道纸是中国发明的吗?   Do you know that paper _____ _____ in China .   3.这台电视这儿能修理.   The TV set _____ _____ _____ here.   4.我们村里明年要建一座桥.   A bridge_____ _____ _____in our village next year.   5.这个问题正在讨论中.你能给我一些建议吗?   The problem _____ _____ _____now . Can you give me some advice?   6.--窗子已经关了吗?--是的,已经关好了.   --_____the windows _____ _____ already?   ___Yes ,they are.   7.你应该


1.世界上许多国家都讲英文.   English_____ _____ in many countries all over the world.   2.你知道纸是中国发明的吗?   Do you know that paper _____ _____ in China .   3.这台电视这儿能修理.   The TV set _____ _____ _____ here.   4.我们村里明年要建一座桥.   A bridge_____ _____ _____in our village next year.   5.这个问题正在讨论中.你能给我一些建议吗?   The problem _____ _____ _____now . Can you give me some advice?   6.--窗子已经关了吗?--是的,已经关好了.   --_____the windows _____ _____ already?   ___Yes ,they are.   7.你应该自己做家庭作业.   Your homework ___ ___ ___ by yourself.   6.\x09足球比赛什么时候举行?   When ___the football game ___ ___.   7.\x09这本书肯定是刘博士写的.   The book ___ ___ ___by Dr.Brown.   五.按括号中的要求完成下列各题.   1.The book may be kept for two weeks.(对划线部分提问)   ___ ___ ___the books ___ ___   2.Your homework must be handed in today.(改为主动语态)   ___ ___ ___ in your homework today.   3.the postcards have been sent by his sister.(改为一般疑问句)   ___ the postcards___ ___by his sister?   4.The test is very difficult,so many studentscan't understand it.(改为同义句)   The test is too difficult to ___.   5.The children are looked after carefully(改为同义句)   The children ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.

  1. 世界上许多国家都讲英文。   

    English__is___ __spoken___ in many countries all over the world.   

  2. .你知道纸是中国发明的吗?  

     Do you know that paper __was___ __invented___ in China .  

  3. .这台电视这儿能修理。  

     The TV set __can___ __be ___ __repaired___ here.   

  4. .我们村里明年要建一座桥。  

     A bridge__will___ __be___ __built___in our village next year.   

  5. .这个问题正在讨论中。你能给我一些建议吗?   

    The problem __is___ __being___ __discussed___now . Can you give me some advice?  

  6. .--窗子已经关了吗?--是的,已经关好了。  

     --__Are___the windows __all___ __closed___ already?   ___Yes ,they are.  

  7. .你应该自己做家庭作业。  

 Your homework __should_ __be _ _done__ by yourself.   


When _will__the football game _be __ _held__.   


The book _must__ _be __ _written__by Dr.Brown.   


  1. The book may be kept for two weeks.(对划线部分提问)  

     _How__ __long_ _may__the books _be __ _kept?__  

  2. Your homework must be handed in today.(改为主动语态)   

    _You__ _must__ __hand_ in your homework today.   

  3. .the postcards have been sent by his sister.(改为一般疑问句)  

     _Have__ the postcards_been__ _sent__by his sister?   

  4. .The test is very difficult,so many studentscan't understand it.(改为同义句)  

     The test is too difficult to _understand__.   

  5. .The children are looked after carefully(改为同义句)   

  6. The children _are__ _taken__ _good__ _care__ __of_.

1 is spoken2 was invented3 can be repaired4 will be built5 is being discussed6 Have ,been closed 7 should be done6 will ,be held7 must be written1 How long may ,be kept 2 You must hand3 Have ,been sen...