帮忙翻译一句话:She crawled backward on her hands and knees to the rock wall, reached down withShe crawled backward on her hands and knees to the rock wall, reached down with her feet, then turn around and sat in the dirt. 我不太明白这个怎样的动作,她用手和膝盖向后爬?用脚着地?


帮忙翻译一句话:She crawled backward on her hands and knees to the rock wall, reached down with
She crawled backward on her hands and knees to the rock wall, reached down with her feet, then turn around and sat in the dirt. 我不太明白这个怎样的动作,她用手和膝盖向后爬?用脚着地?


她用手和膝盖着地向后爬向岩壁边上, 脚伸下去,然后转身坐在地上,

所谓rock wall-岩壁,应该是类似悬崖边上,这样的情景就能说得通了.
