1.Did you go to the bookshop yesterday?2.Are koalas rare in the world?3.Will yoi watch TV after school?4.What did you do last night 5.Did Tom go swimming last sunday?6.When was kate born?A.I watched TV B.Yes,he did C.She was born in May.D.NO,I didn't E.Yes,they are.F.No,I won't 连线题,数字和字母连


1.Did you go to the bookshop yesterday?2.Are koalas rare in the world?3.Will yoi watch TV after school?4.What did you do last night 5.Did Tom go swimming last sunday?6.When was kate born?A.I watched TV B.Yes,he did C.She was born in May.D.NO,I didn't E.Yes,they are.F.No,I won't 连线题,数字和字母连

1.D 2.E 3.F 4.A 5.B 6.C