help!who can help me figure out this math qustionpusillanimous brave man to oxymoron on the battlefield is 17 to 2.if total of both on the battlefield is 342,how many is oxymoron?who can help me figure out this qustion?


help!who can help me figure out this math qustion
pusillanimous brave man to oxymoron on the battlefield is 17 to 2.if total of both on the battlefield is 342,how many is oxymoron?
who can help me figure out this qustion?

P: 342 divided by 19 times 17
O: 342 minus P


pusillanimous 勇士对oxymoron在战场上的人数比例是17比2,如果双方合计人数为342,共有多少oxymoron?