()People like to visit England,because it is too hot too cold.A、neither; nor B、either; or C、both; and D、not; but( ).– I called you at half past nine this morning,but there was no answer.– Oh,sorry,I with my cousin in the supermarket.A. shop B. was shopping C. shopped D. will shop( ). The film is very and all the audience were by it.A.moving,move B.moved,moving C.moving,moving D.moved,moved( ) .If it isn’t yours,it must be _____ .A.somebody else B.some


()People like to visit England,because it is too hot too cold.
A、neither; nor B、either; or C、both; and D、not; but
( ).– I called you at half past nine this morning,but there was no answer.
– Oh,sorry,I with my cousin in the supermarket.
A. shop B. was shopping C. shopped D. will shop
( ). The film is very and all the audience were by it.
A.moving,move B.moved,moving C.moving,moving D.moved,moved
( ) .If it isn’t yours,it must be _____ .
A.somebody else B.somebody else’s C.else somebody D.else’s somebody
( )China a lot in the ten years.
A、changed; past B、was changed; first C、has changed; last D、has changed; next