求一篇 英语作文,要求如下:新东方建筑公司(甲方)跟我(乙方)于2014年7月1日签订一份合同.合同内容如下:本合同由新东方建筑公司(以下简称甲方)和李晓冉(以下简称乙方)共同签署,由甲方为乙方建造并完成一套别墅.建筑物应满足下述规格,钢筋混凝土、砖石和其他建筑材料应符合计划和规格说明中的描述.别墅要求有三层,要有5个带洗手间的卧室,2个客厅,2个餐厅,2个厨房,2个车库.一个花园.鉴于上述内容,乙方承诺按下述方式支付甲方人民币1,000,000元整(壹百万元整):工程启动时支付人民币250,000元整(二十五万元整);2014年12月1日支付人民币250,000元整(二十五万元整);2015年7月1日支付人民币250,000元整(二十五万元整);其余款项将在工作完成后支付.双方经协商确定,对于未能忠实履行协议的情况,违约方应在一个月内支付另外一方50万元整(五十万元整),用作赔付可能的损失.签约,盖章和交付当事双方为甲方:新东方建筑公司 乙方:李晓冉


求一篇 英语作文,要求如下:
甲方:新东方建筑公司 乙方:李晓冉

New Oriental Construction Company ( Party A ) and I ( b ) in July 1, 2014to sign a contract. The contents of the contract are as follows:This contract is made by New Oriental Construction Company ( hereinafter referred to Party A ) and Li Xiaoran ( hereinafter referred to Party B ) signed by Party A to B, the construction and completion of a villa. The building should meet the following specifications, reinforced concrete, brick and other building materials should conform to the plans and specifications stated in the description. The villa has three layers, with 5belt restroom bedroom,2 guest rooms,2 restaurants,2 Kitchen,2 car garage. A garden.In view of the above content, Party B undertakes the following pay Party A RMB 1000000 for each ( one million yuan ):Project started to pay250000 RMB ( two hundred and fifty thousand yuan );December 1, 2014 pay250000 RMB ( two hundred and fifty thousand yuan );July 1, 2015 pay250000 RMB ( two hundred and fifty thousand yuan );The remaining amount will be paid upon completion of the work.Both parties shall negotiate to determine, for failure to fulfill the agreement, the party in breach shall within one month of pay to the other party of 500000yuan ( five hundred thousand yuan ), as the insurance may loss.Signed, sealed and deliveredBoth parties forParty A Party B: Li Xiaoran: New Oriental Construction Company

New Oriental Construction Company ( Party A ) and I ( b ) in July 1,2014to sign a contract.The contents of the contract are as follows:This contract is made by New Oriental Construction Company ( hereinafter referred to Party A ) and Li Xiaoran ( hereinafter referred to Party B ) signed by Party A to B,the construction and completion of a villa.The building should meet the following specifications,reinforced concrete,brick and other building materials should conform to the plans and specifications stated in the description.The villa has three layers,with 5belt restroom bedroom,2 guest rooms,2 restaurants,2 Kitchen,2 car garage.A garden.In view of the above content,Party B undertakes the following pay Party A RMB 1000000 for each ( one million yuan ):Project started to pay250000 RMB ( two hundred and fifty thousand yuan );December 1,2014 pay250000 RMB ( two hundred and fifty thousand yuan );July 1,2015 pay250000 RMB ( two hundred and fifty thousand yuan );The remaining amount will be paid upon completion of the work.Both parties shall negotiate to determine,for failure to fulfill the agreement,the party in breach shall within one month of pay to the other party of 500000yuan ( five hundred thousand yuan ),as the insurance may loss.Signed,sealed and deliveredBoth parties forParty A Party B:Li Xiaoran:New Oriental Construction Company