英语翻译1.再说一句,我就把你打翻在地.2.这个地方很值得参观.3.他坐在凳子上(分别用seat和sit) 4.他藏在门后 5.我一直等到他回来 6.他回来我才离开


1.再说一句,我就把你打翻在地.2.这个地方很值得参观.3.他坐在凳子上(分别用seat和sit) 4.他藏在门后 5.我一直等到他回来 6.他回来我才离开

1. Say, I will put you in. 2. This place is really worth a visit. 3. He sat on the bench (sit) and use have 4) he hid behind the door me until he came back and he came back did I leave

One more word and I'll knock you flat.
It is a really fun place to go
He seats(sits) on the stool.
He hid behind the door
I waited to the time of he go hand.
It was until his arrival that I left.

1.I will knock you down if you dare say one word again.
2.This place is worthy of visiting.
3.He sit on a bench.
4.He hided himself behind a door.
5.I kept waiting until he came back.
6.I did not left until he came back.

”helldog_55 “这位网友回答地很好,在他(或她)回答的基础上,
1.I should knock you down if you dare say one word more.
2.How worthy of visiting this place is !(强调句)
3.He sat on the bench. or He seated on the bench.
4.He hid himself behind the door.(hid 是hide 的过去式)
5.I have kept waiting until he came back.
6.I have not leave until he came back.