几道高中英语连词题1.The car,traveling at 60miles an hour,just missed a boy _____ ran into a tree.(C)A.which B.yet C.and D.who2.They worked day and night,______ they approached the problem,they couldn’t find a solution.(c)A.but whenever B.whichever C.yet however D.however3.__________ western medicine takes a second look at these traditional techniques,many people still find fault with the use of traditional medicines.(a)A.Even as B.Whenver C.On condition that D


1.The car,traveling at 60miles an hour,just missed a boy _____ ran into a tree.(C)
A.which B.yet C.and D.who
2.They worked day and night,______ they approached the problem,they couldn’t find a solution.(c)
A.but whenever B.whichever C.yet however D.however
3.__________ western medicine takes a second look at these traditional techniques,many people still find fault with the use of traditional medicines.(a)
A.Even as B.Whenver C.On condition that D.As long as
4.The CEO promised to do __________ lay in his power to erase the hardships of the victims of the accident.(d)
A.which B that C all D what

第一题,从后半句来看是撞上大树了,那自然是车撞树上了,对不?所以和前面的主语 the car 保持一致而且和差点儿撞上一个男孩并列,所以选C.第二题,他们夜以继日的工作,但是却遇到了困难,无法找到解决的办法.空中缺少的是...