英语高手来,过去时改现在完成时句子.1、I came to this city when I was 10 years old2、This factory opened in 20003、The film started five minutes ago4、My father went to Beijing last month5、My brother joined the army three years ago6、The shop closed two months ago都改成现在完成时句子,


1、I came to this city when I was 10 years old
2、This factory opened in 2000
3、The film started five minutes ago
4、My father went to Beijing last month
5、My brother joined the army three years ago
6、The shop closed two months ago

I have been in the city since i was 10 years old
this factory has been opened since 2000
the film has been on for five minutes
my has gone to beijing since last month
my brother has been a member of the army fo three years
the shop has been closed fortwo months

正确答案为:1 I have been in this city since I was 10 years old2 This factory has been open since 20003 The film has been on for five mintues.4 My father has been in Beijing since last month.5 My brot...