初一下学期英语作文题目假设你是Peter,你的朋友Bill明天要去你所在的城市.但是你没有时间去机场接他.请给他发一封电子邮件,告诉他怎样从机场到你家.要求:50词左右要点提示:先乘出租车从机场到和平街沿着和平街走,看见一家超市后向左拐沿着第八大街(Eighth Street)走,当看到一个邮局时.向右拐.你能看见一座红色的房子,那就是我的家.已经给了开头:Dear Bill:  I know you are arriving tomerrow.But I am sorry I can't meet you at the airport.结尾已给出:                            Yours                            Peter


沿着第八大街(Eighth Street)走,当看到一个邮局时.向右拐.你能看见一座红色的房子,那就是我的家.

Dear Bill:
  I know you are arriving tomerrow.But I am sorry I can't meet you at the airport.

I have just read a report about secondary students' time. Some students don't know how to plan their free time and studying time , they mostly spend their weekands watching TV or playing computer games , they even think these activities can relax themselves.
I don't think it's a good idea to play too much. We are students , our duty is studying well. But if we spend much time on the things that we can do even when we are eighty , we are actually wasting time.
I myself plan my weekand well. On the mornings, I keep reading English for twenty minutes, then I do my homework carefully. On Saturday afternoon,I go out to ride bike with my friends. And on Sunday afternoon , I will read some biographies about famous successful people. Sometimes , I watch English movies instead.
This is my weekand. I won't be busy copying homework on Monday morning——because I plan the weekands well.

So I tell you where my home is. Take a taxi from the airport to enhancing first,
go along of Peace Street, see after a supermarket on the left,
go along the eighth avenue. When you see a post office. Turn right. Can you see a red building, that is my home.