初三英语补全情景对话!A: Hi!I haven't seen you for a week.where did you go?B: Qingdao.I went there for a surfing competition.A: _____________________________?B:Of dourse.I got the first place.A:Congratulation!You're a super girl._________________?B:Six.Surfing is mt favourite sport.(后面的会就省下不打额)


A: Hi!I haven't seen you for a week.where did you go?
B: Qingdao.I went there for a surfing competition.
A: _____________________________?
B:Of dourse.I got the first place.
A:Congratulation!You're a super girl._________________?
B:Six.Surfing is mt favourite sport.(后面的会就省下不打额)

1.Have you won the game
2.How many years have you been surfing