英语翻译Schools in America and BritishIn the United States,all children from ages six to sixteen go to school.They spend six years in elementary school and four to six years in secordary or high school.Public school educdtion is free.Almost all the schools have modern teaching facilities,such as commputers and landuage labs,but there are also small country schools,with just one classroom.After the students commplete all the required courses,they get a hig


Schools in America and British
In the United States,all children from ages six to sixteen go to school.They spend six years in elementary school and four to six years in secordary or high school.Public school educdtion is free.
Almost all the schools have modern teaching facilities,such as commputers and landuage labs,but there are also small country schools,with just one classroom.
After the students commplete all the required courses,they get a high school diploma.If they want to go to college,they take college admission tests.
In British,all chidren fro ages five to sixteen go to school.They spend six years in primary school,and then go on to secondary school.
There are state schools and public schools in British.The state schools are free,but parents need to pay for publicschool education because public schools are private schools in British.Ninety per cent of children go to state schools.Many British public schools are boarding schools.The chlidren stay at school during weekdays,and go home only at weekends.
Teaching in both countries is usually student-centred.Students often work together in groups and share their ideas freely with one another.They go to their teachers only when they need help.
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