英语翻译翻译句子 1.山姆上周买了一台新数码相机(digital) 2.委员会未能说明他们做此项决定的原因(state) 3.他们拨出了一小块地方作为孩子们的运动场(set aside) 4.那座胸围的宫殿给我留下了深刻的印象(grand) 5.玛丽很喜欢上海,所以打算夏天去那儿度假(affection)


3.他们拨出了一小块地方作为孩子们的运动场(set aside)

Sam bought a brand new digital camera last week.
The Committee could not state the reasons why they made that decision.
3.他们拨出了一小块地方作为孩子们的运动场(set aside)
They set aside a small piece of land as the playground for children.
That grand palace deeply impressed me.
grand 雄伟的 (不是"胸围的")
Mary has an affection to Shanghai, so she plans to take a vacation there this summer.

Sam last week to buy a new digital camera
Commission failed to explain the reason they did this decision
They set aside a small area as a children's playground
Tall bust of palace left me a deep impression
Mary liked, so I plan to go there summer holiday

Sam last week bought a new digital camera
The Commission failed to explain why they do this decision (state)
3 they set aside a small area as a playground for children (set aside)
4 that grand bust palaces impressed me deeply (grand)
5 Marie is like Shanghai,so I'm going to go there on holiday in summer (affection)

1. Sam last week bought a new digital camera (digital)
2. The committee failed to show that they do the decision cause (state)
3. They set out a small piece of place for the children's playground (set aside)
4. The big bust palaces left a deep impression on me (grand)
5. Mary like Shanghai, so going to summer go there for vacation (affection)