大学生怎么适应社会 求好心人,英语高手帮我翻译下这篇文章社会是不同的人组成的,不同的人心组建了一个江湖,大学生适应社会需要一个过程,一般需要两年,长者三年以上.如何尽快适应社会?我的建议是做好五件事情: 一、无论如何要学会示弱. 示弱是所有新人进入新环境的第一要务.不管你能力多强,适应社会要软着陆,因此,示弱才能获得别人的帮助,使自己尽快的适应新环境,才不至于磕磕碰碰. 二、无论如何要放下身段,做好手头的每一件事情. 放下身段,把手头上的每一件事情做到100分,哪怕所作的事情再小、在低微,不要贪多,更不要贪大.所有低微、低俗的事情总是指向伟大的目标. 三、无论如何,要学会控制情绪. 不良的情绪,特别是消极情绪是容易伤人,要和平共处的话,关键在于控制好情绪. 四、无论如何,坚持读书. 书籍是你进步的阶梯,不管是有用的还是没用的,要饱读群书,要有读书的习惯,这样才能避免精神世界的断层,才能衔接好学校和社会之间的关系. 五、无论如何,开始储蓄.


大学生怎么适应社会 求好心人,英语高手帮我翻译下这篇文章

Society is composed of different people, different people formed a political arena, college students meet the social needs of a process normally takes two years older than three years. How to adapt to society? My advice is to do five things:
First, in any case to learn to show weakness.
Weakness is that all new top priority in the new environment. No matter how strong you are able to adapt to society should be a soft landing, so sign of weakness to get help from others, so that as soon as possible to adapt to their new environment, they are not finally in sight.
Second, in any case to be cast aside and do everything at hand.
Postures, head handle everything to do 100 points, even if it made further small, low, do not do too much, not grandiose. All the low, vulgar things always point to the great goal.
Third, in any case, we must learn to control emotions.
Negative emotions, particularly negative emotions is easy to hurt, to peaceful coexistence, then, the key is to control the emotions.
Fourth, in any case, keep reading.
Books are the ladder you progress, whether it is useful or useless, to be well-read of books, have the habit of reading, so as to avoid the spiritual world of the fault, to linking the relationship between schools and society.
Fifth, in any case, start saving.
Regardless of income, a unit of 100 yuan per month to save, to develop a habit of savings is not "money", but a life.
You think the world is not so beautiful, is not as bad as you think, so be confident, strong, hard, aggressive, and only maintain such a spirit, to seek the future.