求高一水平英文作文一篇 条件如下:假如你是校园记者,最近就高一学生对高中课程的喜好程度作了一次调查.请根据下面信息用英语写一篇作文:英语55% 注意:1词数:100词左右2可适当增加细节 3参考词汇:全面的 all-around


求高一水平英文作文一篇 条件如下:
2可适当增加细节 3参考词汇:全面的 all-around

As part of my work as a school journalist, I undertook some interview with students from the first grade in our high school.
The results were quite surprising! I found out that the majority of students, 80%, like Maths class! Quite a large number of students also like Chemistry (65%) and English (55%). However, Chinese and Physics are not very popular subjects with the students at our school. Only 30% of the students interviewed said that they like Chinese and only 20% of them liked Physics.
I think that we should try our best to become all-around students, who try our best to become good at all subjects.