


帮你补充一下,开头是《Dear Jason》结尾《Yours,Li Hua》

Dear jeff Hello! My name is Li Hua. We've heard that you are going to live with us during this summer vocation,my whole family are so happy and we all looking forward to spending the vocation with you.
Dear jeff Your schedule in china is not hurried. In the morning,we got some programmes for you in our school,and I think it should be fun. And in the afternoon, we'll show you around our city,I'm sure you are looking forward to it,right? In the evening,we'll enjoy dinner at home. My mum is good at cooking,I'm sure you are going to love it! After dinner,we'll do something relaxing,such as watching TV,playing video games and chatting! By then,we can exchange our experience of studying in school! I can't wait to spend the summer vocation with you,I hope you are looking forward to it too! Sincerely, Li hua

I am Li Hua because last year I went to Australia know that it was beautiful so this year with my friends and I decided to go to Australia,

第一段-------Jason, how are you. I am Li hua! I intend to friends and family during the winter vacation to Australia tour a week

jason:Long time no see I'm Li Hua,miss you,you should have flowers that open it,the weather must be very warm,I'll be on winter break and I want to go to your friends that travel this winter,

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