一句汉译英原句:一般*引才奖励,都是发给企业、人才中介等机构的,但在江东,普通市民也可能获得最高60万元的引才奖励.译句:Generally, government gives the reward of introducing talents to organizations such like enterprises, talent agency, etc. but in Jiangdong, ordinary citizens can get this reward up to 0.6 million Yuan.请问这句话怎么翻译好?


译句:Generally, government gives the reward of introducing talents to organizations such like enterprises, talent agency, etc. but in Jiangdong, ordinary citizens can get this reward up to 0.6 million Yuan.

A recommendation reward is usually given by the government to such organs as enterprises and
employment agencies, but it is also available for ordinary citizens in Jiangdong as much as RMB600,000 Yuan.

Generally,government gives the reward for introducing talents to organizations such like enterprises,human resources agencies,and etc.But in Jiangdong,ordinary citizens can also get this reward up to ...