


In order to understand China's east and west, in environmental quality aspects of attention, the subject from east and west respectively environmental pollution and ecological environment, select the Angle of every major urban areas ___11__our environment evaluation index, the subject of national bureau of statistics collected released in recent 5 years of relevant raw data, using principal component by SPSS software calculating method, east and west, in the environmental quality of the change trend and the results are calculation, analysis and understanding, and calculated the east and west regions, and separately calculated factor score two area on environmental quality problem, and the comprehensive score by comprehensive score understanding the environment quality development situation, based on this conclusion we further reasonable use and improving the quality of environmental governance practical feasible suggestion.

In order to know the enviromental qulaity attention of both west and east area sof china, this paper analyses from enviromental pollution and ecotope enviroment, choosing the environment envaluation index of the main area in the city .It collects the related initial data within 5years and caculates the change trend of the two areas by SPSS software. caculate, analyse and search the result ,caculate the factor score of east and weat areas. Caculate the comprehensive score of environmental problems sepretely and charge the development condition by acknowing the comprehensive score, thus present practical advice In reasonable using and improving the enviroment condition by researching the conclution.

In order to know what about the concern of environmental quality in China's eastern and western regions,this article starts from the environment pollution and ecological enviroment of east and west re...