英语翻译英文R&B组合的介绍,人名、地名不用翻译,只求语句通顺合乎逻辑,不求翻译绝对准确.Keystone in a *lyn-based urban R&B duo comprised of Will Gardner (a.k.a.Iron Will) and Tyrone Taylor (a.k.a.T-Wreck).Gardner and Taylor grew up on the Eaat side of New York,where they fell in love with hip-hop an dclassic R&B.They found a middle ground between those two genres on their debut album A Tear Falls in *lyn,which was released in the fall of 1997.


Keystone in a *lyn-based urban R&B duo comprised of Will Gardner (a.k.a.Iron Will) and Tyrone Taylor (a.k.a.T-Wreck).Gardner and Taylor grew up on the Eaat side of New York,where they fell in love with hip-hop an dclassic R&B.They found a middle ground between those two genres on their debut album A Tear Falls in *lyn,which was released in the fall of 1997.

基于布鲁克林的城市R&B组合Keystone是由Will Gardner(a.k.a.Iron Will)和Tyrone Taylor(a.k.a.T-Wreck)组成的.Gardner和Taylor在纽约的东部长大,在那里,他们爱上了hip-hop和经典的R&B.他们在他们的首张专辑Tear Falls中找到了两个类型之间的中间地带,这张专辑是在1997年秋季在布鲁克林发布的.