1,The medium believes the price of petrol will rise by more than ____two precent .


1,The medium believes the price of petrol will rise by more than ____two precent .
A other B another C any ther D the other
2,The school's Drama Association will give a big show tonight and two ____next week .
A another B other C else D more
3,In my opinoin ,this kind of book is rather easy .You needn't keep____.
A it B one C that D the one

1 B 2D 3B前面应该是books吧能麻烦你帮忙讲一下么,谢谢啊!!!12同理,another+数词=数词+more,表示总数上的“再...,又...”one,泛指同类不同物,前面提到了“种类”第三题为什么不用that呢?that,同名不同物,注意,不是同类,是同名,一般都是代替抽象概念的,常见习题:The weather in Beijing is different from that in Guangzhou.看到没?北京的天气,广州的天气,和“众多书中的一本”不一样的可是that不是可以指代单数可数名词和不可数名词吗?book不行么?指示代词,那一本,哪一本啊?这里说的是一堆书里的任意一本,没有特指意