How to Use "Immigrate" and "Emigrate" Correctly
How to Use "Immigrate" and "Emigrate" Correctly
To “emigrate” is to leave a country.The E at the beginning of the word is related to the E in other words having to do with going out,such as “exit.” “Immigrate,” in contrast,looks as if it might have something to do with going in,and indeed it does:it means to move into a new country.The same distinction applies to “emigration” and “immigration.” Note the double M in the second form.A migrant is someone who continually moves about.
比如:I want to emigrate to the USA.我想(离开本国)到美国.
I want to immigrate to the USA.我想移民到美国.
另外也可以说emigrate from
I want to emigrate from China.我想从中国移民出去.