Charlie had been ranked by his fellows as the top speaker in the country ,and he often gave lectures to the leaders of m


Charlie had been ranked by his fellows as the top speaker in the country ,and he often gave lectures to the leaders of many Fortune 500 companies .But on this day ,as a favor to us ,he interrupted his ___ to speak to a small group of students on the Keys to Success .四个选项分别是 course trip research schedule 我把course 和research 排除掉了,为什么此处是schedule 不是trip 查字典看到 trip 有“行程”的意思啊,译为“打断行程”不恰当么?

trip 有“行程”的意思,说“打断行程”只能是这样的情况:正在往北京赶,突然停止不前了;是指的这种实际的动作,而此题明地是在说按计划在做某事,而转到别的事情上去了.schedule时间表、日程;Charlie 是名人,专给重要人物们演讲,肯定是日程排得很满,但But,as a favor to us我们这些穷学生,本没有机会听他的演讲的,就是因为他推掉了安排好的、为重要人物们进行的演讲,而为我们做演讲-------->打断了他的正常日程,就schedule用.