翻译:why does it feel so good to get rid of things……to unload……to let go.maybe because when we see how little we actually
翻译:why does it feel so good to get rid of things……to unload……to let go.maybe because when we see how little we actually need to survive……it makes us realize how powerful we actually are. to strip down to only what we need. to hang on only to what we can not do without.what we need……not just survive……but to thrive.
译:撒开手扔掉包袱、轻装上阵,为什么能让人感觉这么爽呢?也许是因为:这个时候我们就看明白了我们实际上只需要很少的东西就能活下去…… 它使我们意识到我们自己实际上有多么强大.把多余的东西全部抛开,只留下我们...