is anybody looking after you


is anybody looking after you
—Is anybody looking after you?
—No.I'm after a size 40 V-neck pullover in grey.
—The best I can do is a 36.
—Could you order me one?
—I should imagine so,yes.If you leave your address,I'll contact you.
帮我翻译一下 listen to this 里的

—Is anybody looking after you?- 有人招待您么?
—No.I'm after a size 40 V-neck pullover in grey.- 没有.我需要一件灰色的40号V领套头衫.
—The best I can do is a 36.- 我这里最大只有36号的.
—Could you order me one?- 那您能帮我订一件么?
—I should imagine so,yes.If you leave your address,I'll contact you.- 我想可以的,好的.请您留下地址,我会与您联系的.第二句的after在句中什么意思呢 最后一个问题I'm after a size... 相当于 I'm looking for a size... 这里的 after 作介词,意思为 in the pursuit/quest of即“寻找,追寻”的意思。这句话也可翻译为:我在找一件灰色的40号V领套头衫。