高手, 还望给我解答最后一个question ,感谢了!


高手, 还望给我解答最后一个question ,感谢了!
robert 告诉我, 他儿时的梦想是成为一个工程师, 为了实现他的梦想, 他利用周末去上ccna课程,用晚上去复习. 我被他的决心感动了, 我的经理也是.最终我的经历破格晋升robert为工程师

下面是我的翻译, 感觉太不准确了,还望高手修改
Robert told me, his dream of childhood is becoming an engineer, for achieving his dream, he used weekend to take CCNA course, and evening to review them.I was totally moved by his determination, so did my manager. Consequently, my manager made an exception to promote Robert to engineer.

Rober told me that his dream was to be an engineer when he was a child.For realizing hie dream,he took the CCNA course on weekend and review the courses in the evening.I was totally touched by his det...