4 months old,wilms cancer【wilms cancer】


4 months old,wilms cancer【wilms cancer】
no any sympotoms.
Found in regular physical exam on Nov 18,2010.
in san antonio.
We are Chinese.But currently in hospital and can't input chinese.We can read Chinese on computer.
Ultrasound,MRI,CT scan abdomen show:1.large right renal tumor with extensive nodularity and areas of necrosis and calcification.highest on the differential is nephroblastomatosis.unlikely differential includes mesoblastic nephroma and renal cell carcinoma.Teratoma is within the differential but is also less likely.Due to the inhomogeneity of the masses in the right kidney,I can't exclude some element of malignant degeneration 2.abnormal left inguinal lymph node.3.mild intrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation Surgery will be done in 9 hours
Your opinion about chemotherapy after surgery on infant.
Is it necessary to get chemo in all stages?

The chemo is dependan on the histologic patholgy diagnosis. but any way, chem is necessary.(儿研所张晓伦大夫郑重提醒:因不能面诊患者,无法全面了解病情,以上建议仅供参考,具体诊疗请一定到医院在医生指导下...