journal of hazardous materials怎样回答投稿问题


journal of hazardous materials怎样回答投稿问题
我是第一次投journal of hazardous materials,在投的过程中要求回答一些问题,很奇怪,我没有被拒绝过,也没有什么号,不知道该怎么回答,感激不尽1、Please advise if this is a previously rejected manuscipt of this journal?
2、Who was the original handling Editor?
3、What was the original manuscript number?
4、Only relevant for papers that have been returned to you for further technical editing:Do you confirm that you have made the necessary technical changes to your paper?

1.This is a new manuscipt of this journal, not rejected.
2.Sorry,I don't kown.This is a new manuscipt
3.Sorry,This is a new manuscipt
4.yes,I do