可能有错的地方,还请见谅!1.o'neal works hard.he is often seen ( )heavily before his teammates have even arrived at practice.A.sweate


可能有错的地方,还请见谅!1.o'neal works hard.he is often seen ( )heavily before his teammates have even arrived at practice.A.sweated B.to be sweated C.sweating D.being sweated 2.( )good,the food was soon sold out.A.tasted B.being tasted C.tasting D.having tasted 3.European football is played in 80 countrise ,( )it the most popular sport in the world.A.making B.makes C.made D.to make 4.( )full preparations,we decided to out off the meeting till next week.A.we did not make B.having not made C.we had not make D.not having make 5.china ,the world's most populous nation,joined the WTO last weekend,( )15 years of talk.A.to end B.ended C.ending D.ends 6.prices of daily goods( )through a computer can be lower than store prices.A.are B.bought C.been bought D.buying 7.the picture( )on the wall is painted by my nephew.A.having hung B.hanging C.hangs D.being hung 8.( )for two miles,the car broke down.A.I drove my car B.having run C.to have driven D .having driven 9.Mrs.white found her husband surrounded by letters and papers and( )very woried.A.look B.looks C.looking D.to look 10.Do you still remember the accident?Yes,actually I have experienced nothing( ) A.but frightened B.except frightening C.more frighted D.more frightening.11.Many thing ( )impossible in the past are quite common today.A.having being considered B.considered C.to be considered D.considering 12.such( )the case ,I couldn't help but ( )him.A.being ; support B.is;support C.has being;supporing D.be;supported

1C 加分词,正语序是see sb doing2A taste与food关系是被动3A football与make是主动4D 现在分词否定not前置5C 现在分词表伴随,表主动6B goods与buy的关系是被动7B picture与hang的关系是主动8B car与run的关系是主动9...