Three other explanations seem more promising.One involves physiological changes relevant to memory.Maturation of the frontal lobes of the brain continues throughout early childhood,and this part of the brain may be critical for remembering particular episodes in ways that can be retrieved later.Demonstrations of infants’ and toddlers' long-term memory have involved their repeating motor activities that they had seen or done earlier,such as reaching in the dark for objects,putting a bottle in a doll’s mouth,or pulling apart two pieces of a toy.The brain’s level of physiological maturation may support these types of memories,but not ones requiring explicit verbal descriptions.
A second explanation involves the influence of the social world on children’s language use.Hearing and telling stories about events may help children store information in ways that will endure into later childhood and adulthood.Through hearing stories with a clear beginning,middle,and ending children may learn to extract the gist of events in ways that they will be able to describe many years later.Consistent with this view parents and children increasingly engage in discussions of past events when children are about three years old.However,hearing such stories is not sufficient for younger children to form enduring memories.Telling such stories to two year olds does not seem to produce long-lasting verbalizable memories.
Maturation of the frontal lobes of the brain continues throughout early childhood,and this part of the brain may be critical for remembering particular episodes in ways that can be retrieved later第一...