关于提单consignee和notify party的问题


关于提单consignee和notify party的问题
Full set of three original clean on board Ocean Bills of Lading marked Freight Prepaid,consigned to the order of the shipper and notify XXX Co.,Ltd.TEL:XXX,FAX:XXX.
一般来说consigned to the order of the shipper会不会影响到什么?
后来发现银行给我们做LC的时候写的是:full set of clean on board marded freight prepaid' ocean bills of lading made out to order and blank endorsed,notifying XXXco.,ltd.Tel:xxx,Fax:xxx.这样的话consignee是不是变了?

1.翻译:全套三份正本清洁已装船海运提单,注明运费预付,收货人是凭托运人指定,通知XXX公司,电话XXX,传真XXX.2.consignee 栏填:to the order of the shippernotify party 栏填:XXX Co.,Ltd.TEL:XXX,FAX:XXX3.顺便多...