初一英语题,来自《新课堂 假期生活》


初一英语题,来自《新课堂 假期生活》
1、Is Bill in ?(改为同义句)
Is Bill___ ___.
2、Is time to go to school.(同义句)
3、Write the missing words.
A , D , __ , J , __ , P , __ ;
___ , x , v , t , ___ , p , n
4、A man is looking at a picture. He says, "I have no brothers or sisters, but that man is father is my father is son "
Who is in the picture?____________________.

1.at home
2.It's time for school.
3.G,M,S (按照字母表顺序,前后字母间各隔2个字母)
z,r (按照字母表顺序,前后字母间各隔1个字母)
4.His son.
原句打字有误,应为:I have no brothers or sisters,but that man's father is my father's son.