


What's in your pocket? 你的口袋里有什么?
What's on your head? 在你头上的是什么?
What made you angry? 什么让你生气了?
What made you laugh?什么让你笑了?能多一些吗?最少20个,加翻译,答得好我会采纳并加分的,谢啦!
顺便问一下,she用do还是does,they用do还是does, it用do还是does。she,it 用 does,they用do

5. What do his fingers look like? 他的手指像什么?

6. What does the little dog look like? 小狗的样子像什么呢?
7. What style of pants she likes? 她喜欢什么款式的裤子?
8. What do you bring when you go out? 你出去的时候带什么?
9. What did you see at the bookstore today? 你今天在书店里看到了什么?
10. Who is calling your name? 谁在呼唤你的名字?
11. Who is running behind you? 谁跟在你后面跑?
12. What are you afraid of? 你怕什么?
13. What was in your dream last night? 昨晚你梦见了什么?
14. Who did you invite to your party? 你邀请谁参加你的派对?
15. Who did you go to movie with? 你和谁去电影了?
16. What song are you singing? 你在唱什么歌?
17. What made you eat too much? 什么使你吃得太多?
18. What do you like to play when you are board? 你无聊时喜欢玩什么?
19. What makes you happy? 什么使你快乐?
20. Who is your best friend? 谁是你最好的朋友?