英语翻译一.There are many paths to greatness.Some people go down in history for their influential political leadership.Other are remembered for spectacular scientific breakthroughs for composing great symphonies,or writing brilliant poetry.But whatever path they take,great people seem to share a few common characteristics.They are relentlessly optimistic and persistent; they have both intellectual skills and the ability to work well with other people; and


There are many paths to greatness.Some people go down in history for their influential political leadership.Other are remembered for spectacular scientific breakthroughs for composing great symphonies,or writing brilliant poetry.But whatever path they take,great people seem to share a few common characteristics.They are relentlessly optimistic and persistent; they have both intellectual skills and the ability to work well with other people; and they love their work.In fact for these people,work is more like an obsession than a job.Of course,many of the questions about greatness remain unanswered.What roles so genetics and environment play in the question How can we know who among our contemporaries will be remembered as great and which people,though famous today,will be forgotten in the future?It’s also possible that our view of who is great is not always fair or accurate.For example,the of achievement women are not recognized as often as they should be.Finally,we can’t even be sure if it is really good to be great.Maybe the happiest people are the normal ones.Normal people aren’t endowed with what it takes to be great,but they also don’t have to worry about the burdens of history.
Gratitude is defined as the art of showing 1)__ appreciation __ for every kindness,great and small.Usually,2)__expressing _ gratitude costs very little,but its rewards can be great.When gratitude is owed but not given,however,as when we 3)_ fail _ to recognize a generous act on someone else’s 4)_ part _,this denial can lead to sore feelings,and even resentment.Sometimes,truly deep gratitude calls for personal sacrifice.One 5) _ example __ is a mother of world war II soldier who traveled from her home 6)_ through __ the U.S.to visit the French family who had 7)___ sheltered ___ her son from Nazis.She was driven to 8)__ do this unselfish generosity which this family had shown her son.But gratitude can 9)_ also _ be shown by very simple acts.We can start 10)__ by __ making sure that,in one way or another,we thank the family members and 11)_ coworkers__ who help us every day.In sum,the 12)_ key _ to gratitude is thoughtfulness,or 13)_ taking __ pains to consider the feeling of others as well as out own.Being generous and 14)_ unselfish _ with our affection and sentiments is one thing we all can do to make the world a more pleasant place.For all of these 15)_ reasons _ gratitude is something of which none of us can give too much.

有很多的伟大道路。有些人在历史上为他们的影响力的政治领导。其他被记住为壮观的大科学突破的创作交响乐,或书写辉煌的诗歌。但无论他们采取的道路,伟大的人似乎有着一些共同的特点。他们是无情的乐观和执着,他们都智力技能和工作能力以及与其他人,他们热爱自己的工作。其实在这些人的工作就像是一个比一个更痴迷的工作。当然,关于伟大的许多问题仍然没有答案。什么角色,以便在遗传和环境问题的角色?我们怎样才能知道谁在我们的同时代人将会记得,伟大的人们,虽然著名的今天,将在未来忘记了吗?它也有可能是谁是我们伟大的观点并不总是公平或者准确的。例如,妇女的成就是不承认,因为他们经常要。最后,我们甚至不能肯定是否真的很好是巨大的。也许最幸福的人是正常的。正常的人都没有赋予什么需要是巨大的,但他们也不必担心历史的负担。二。感恩的定义是艺术的展示1)__ __欣赏每善良,伟大和小。通常情况下,2)__expressing _感谢费用很少,但其回报是巨大的。当感激之情是欠,但没有给出,但是作为我们三)_不_认识到慷慨的行为对一个人其他人的4)_ _的一部分,这种剥夺会导致疼痛的感觉,甚至不满。有时候,真正做到深怀感激要求个人牺牲。一个5)_ __例子是二战士兵的母亲__谁走遍美国从她家6)_访问的法国家庭谁曾七)___ ___庇护她从纳粹的儿子。她驱车前往8)__为此慷慨无私的这个家庭已经表明她的儿子。但是,感恩可以9)_ _也显示了非常简单的动作。我们可以开始10)__的__确保,在这种或那种方式,我们感谢家人和11)_ coworkers__谁帮助我们每一天。总之,12)_ _关键是要感谢体贴,或13)_ __煞费苦心地考虑考虑,以及对他人进行自己的感觉。以自己的情感和情绪,慷慨和14)_ _无私是一回事,我们都可以做,使世界成为一个更愉快的地方。对于这15)_ _感谢所有的原因是这些东西,我们谁都无法给你太多。

二。感恩的定义是艺术的展示1)__ __欣赏每善良,伟大和小。通常情况下,2)__expressing _感谢费用很少,但其回报是巨大的。当感激之情是欠,但没有给出,但是,因为当我们3)_承认失败_慷慨的行为对一个人其他人的4)_ _一部分,这种剥夺会导致疼痛的感觉,甚至不满。有时候,真正做到深怀感激要求个人牺牲。一个5)_ __例子是二战士兵的母亲__谁走遍美国从她家6)_访问的法国家庭谁曾七)___ ___庇护她从纳粹的儿子。她驱车前往8)__为此慷慨无私的这个家庭已经表明她的儿子。但是,感恩可以9)_ _也显示了非常简单的动作。我们可以开始10)__的__确保,在这种或那种方式,我们感谢家人和11)_ coworkers__谁帮助我们每一天。总之,12)_ _关键是要感谢体贴,或13)_ __煞费苦心地考虑考虑,以及对他人进行自己的感觉。以自己的情感和情绪,慷慨和14)_ _无私是一回事,我们都可以做,使世界成为一个更愉快的地方。对于这15)_ _感谢所有的原因是这些东西,我们谁都无法给你太多。

